Be Respectful
Treat all members with respect. Harassment, discrimination, or hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated.
Stay On Topic
Keep discussions relevant to the thread or forum section. Off-topic posts may be moved or removed by moderators.
No Spamming
Avoid posting repetitive messages, unnecessary links, or promotional content. Spamming disrupts the community experience.
Use Appropriate Language
Keep conversations clean and avoid using offensive or inappropriate language.
No Unauthorized Sharing
Do not share illegal content, copyrighted material, or leaked GTA 6 assets. Posts violating this rule will be removed, and actions may be taken against the user.
Avoid Personal Attacks
Debate and differing opinions are encouraged, but personal attacks or name-calling are not acceptable.
No Advertising or Self-Promotion
Advertising products, services, or other websites without prior approval is prohibited.
Protect Your Privacy
Do not share personal information (email addresses, phone numbers, etc.) in public posts.
Report Issues
If you see a post or user violating the rules, report it to the moderation team instead of engaging directly.
Follow Moderator Instructions
Respect the decisions of moderators. If you disagree, address the issue privately through proper channels.
One Account Per User
Creating multiple accounts is not allowed. Exceptions must be approved by the moderation team.
No Spoilers Without Warnings
Use spoiler tags to hide content that could ruin the experience for others. Clearly label spoiler content in thread titles.
Respect Rockstar’s Terms of Service
Discussions or activities that violate Rockstar’s policies or terms of service are not allowed.
Post in the Correct Sections
Ensure you’re posting in the appropriate forum section for your topic.
Have Fun and Stay Positive
This is a community for fans to connect and enjoy. Keep the atmosphere welcoming and enjoyable for everyone.